14 April 2014

Salute 2014 and Beyond

I've now had 48 hours to recover from another great day at Salute. This year was a little different as, not only did I have a shopping list with me, I was also going to give away some free miniatures.

Unfortunately wearing a black t-shirt with a rather small logo on the front and back was not enough to catch many people's eye, so I came home with a few more than anticipated – next year I may have to go all-out cosplay!

Yet, at the end of the day the main reason for the visit to the big smoke was to have a good day and that is what we had. I picked up a few miniatures for my next 'secret' project – my wife wanted to know why I'd only bought models of skinny women – though not everything on my list was available so I've done some more ordering since getting home.

I also managed to get some decent storage for my X-Wing models – no longer do I have to fear for their safety. Again, since returning home, I've ordered a similar box for all my Blood Bowl models which currently have no home. These cardboard containers are pretty good for storing in the attic short-term – they're cheap and cheerful.

I did bump into quite a few people on my way around the hall. I also missed a few people who either didn't cross my path or didn't go this year. It's a pity something of this scale is only once a year. I would have thought there was room for another later in the year and Excel is such a great place to be at (for me at least).

I also got to meet fellow blogger Kyle from Mr Lee's Painting Eporium. I've been a big fan of Kyle's work for some time now and a regular visitor to his blog (and visa versa). We had a good old chat about 'stuff' and was a great end to the day. Cheers Kyle.

So with this year's show out of the way there is no rest for the wicked… or me. This weekend myself and Bull are driving down to Awdry Towers to pull Michael (kicking and screaming) into the world of Blood Bowl.

I managed to get my Nurgle Warriors (above) painted last week, but still have the rest of the team to complete before Saturday. I managed to get these guys done in an afternoon with Game of Thrones on in the background. Took me back to the old days of painting before a tournament – it's amazing the results you can achieve when you have no time to waste and have to make quick decisions.

More of that after the weekend. I just have to sit and wait for all my parcels to arrive!


  1. They look good Mike!
    I tried to pimp Aetherium to the folks I know going to Adepticon, seems like they did ok for handing out freebies there as I think Brian only had 50 left at the end of the day.
    Looking forward to seeing more blood bowl posts again :)

  2. I'm glad all you guys had a good time this year. I enjoy reading all your posts, but it doesn't seem like many people took pics of games this year.

    1. Yes, I was not terribly taken by the display games, but to be fair that's not why I go – there's just shiny stuff everywhere!!

  3. Riot Grl cos? I'll fly across for that.

  4. Religious types and ladies - I look forward to seeing this secret project! Maybe we should hold a satellite mini-Salute for the Kentish gamers to fill the gap until next year?

    1. Monks and ladies, intriguing indeed – but you're only seeing half the puzzle (actually about a quarter)

  5. Great stuff Mike, and indeed it was great to meet up with you! A great chat on all things mini related.. looking forward to painting up my Aetherium pieces now! Keep up the good work and looking forward to your future secret projects! Always great inspiration here!

    1. Pleasure mate… and likewise. Hope to catch up with you again soon. We need to have an Anvil 8 conversation.
