25 June 2013

Expanding the Legion…

So the focus is back on the 'secret project' and after visiting Bull at the weekend I'm in need of building more models to expand my Roman Legionary collection.

In addition to converting my Centurion (above) to have a Gladius and Scutum (it's difficult to smite the enemy with nothing but a stick and defend yourself with nothing but harsh words) and finish painting him, I'm attempting to create an Optio.

Looking around the internet, Warlord Games do a set of three metal Optios for a fiver (above). Nice models but given that I have a box full of plastics I'd like to avoid the expense of buying more. It's very do-able, in fact as I write this he's mostly built already.

I also need to create a couple of Auxiliary Archers. That poses much more of a challenge given that (1) I don't own any Auxiliary models yet, and (2) none of the plastic Auxiliary kits available have any bows that I can see. Again, I want to keep the expense to a minimum – this will take some creative thinking!

To be continued…


  1. Mmm this project just gets more and more secret.. but am liking the work so far! Waiting for more!

    1. Yes, the project got reinvigorated this weekend and I'm hoping to show progress soon, before a big reveal later in the summer.

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, we had a short break from it but things have moved on a lot and the weekend fired up the enthusiasm!

  3. Looking good to me so far Mike......

    1. Should have an update with converted minis in a day or two.

  4. Looking good Sir, loving the conversion. I'm sure you must have a high elf or two that could be converted into auxiliary troops.

    1. That's an old pic Michael – will have an updated (converted) one very soon. I've also changed the arms on most of my Romans (so that I can paint them all again!?!).

      Alas no bows in my collection at all, but I have a couple of ideas.

    2. How embarrassing, shows what I know about Roman side arms!
