Saturday finally arrived and myself and Bull drove down to Awdry Towers to join Michael for a game of Zombicide Black Plague. Now, whilst both
Mr Awdry and
Bull had carefully chosen and painted their respective survivors, I had not. In fact I had not brought anything with me aside from a box of Zombie Archers, which would prove to be quite a game changer.
I chose two random (unpainted) characters from the back catalogue of Kickstarter goodies – Xena (
after seeing Stefan's painted miniature) and Merlin – and they turned out to be absolute heroes on the day. So much so that they have been singled out from my own collection and sit on the painting table alongside the space marine scouts.
The day started with a scenario from the Kickstarter stretch goal PDF. A fun game with an altar of fire that doused the room in which it was standing in dragon fire at the end of every turn. In all honesty we were lucky. As well as we played, things definitely went in our favour and the game was completed with little to stress about. By the numbers.
The poorly equipped search for better gear while the big hitters guard the hallways |
For game 2 we added the wolves and chose a scenario from the expansion box set. Their 3 actions per turn (and the fact they often turned up in packs of 3 or 4) added a whole new dimension to the game. The scenario itself was great and we had to methodically work our way through it. Our team of survivors was humming like a machine (aside from Klom who seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, most of the time – considering he was by far the biggest model on the table he saw very little combat all afternoon and was often the first model to Exit – genius plan for surviving!).
Master blaster Merlin lays waste to wave upon wave of zombies – he was levelling so quickly we had to pull him away! |
We had the game in the palm of our hands, but there was a flaw in our vision. We had forgotten (or blissfully unaware) about the rule regarding Necromancers. We were within striking distance of the exit when a Necromancer appeared. There were now six spawn points on the board – if he made it to another spawn point we would instantly lose the game. Unfortunately things got a lot worse as two more Necromancer cards turned up – speeding him on his way.
So close yet so far away – the Exit in game 2 |
We got the the exit and 3 of our survivors left the board with the other three not quite able to reach it. It came down to the last set of zombie spawn cards – if a Necromancer card appeared he would exit the board and we would instantly lose, if a card didn't appear we could all leave next turn and win. There were 6 cards to draw, each drawn slowly to ramp up the drama.
Zombie card…
Zombie card…
Zombie card…
Zombie card…
Necromancer card…
We had lost the game despite playing it very well. Fantastic game.
After a brief food break we cracked on with a third game that introduced the zombie archers. Taking 'bites' from distance really does change the landscape and adds another serious threat to think about.
Technically we lost this one too – Klom got a bit excited and charged into melee only for a 'walker extra turn' card to appear, the zombies munching him into small bits. We took a mulligan and carried on ("didn't really happen!, didn't really happen!"). Take 2 ended in a slick finish and the survivors walked away unscathed.
Awesome day of gaming – thank you to Bull and Michael (and the saintly Mrs Awdry). Good times!
So pleased that you and Bull were able to come down and enjoy the fun. Glom has finally finished his lines, "Klom must not rush in" a hundred times and like you I've promoted Xena and Merlin up the painting queue in honour of their exploits.
ReplyDeleteYes, old Xena and Merlin turned out to be hidden gems it seems. I did go through all the other cards when I got home and am struggling to find a better ranged survivor than the lass Bull brought. We may have had the (almost) perfect team on the day?!
DeleteI did exactly the same and came to the same conclusion about Genevieve, also now duly promoted along with Brother James who if equipped with a torch in the body slot can pick three cards every search! I also looked again at some of the rules and I fear that Bull's interpretation of the hit/miss when firing into a zone containing a survivor might have been a little skewed. More so when you have to consider the damage met out with that Orckish bow - any misses should have cost two wounds, ouch!
DeleteIt did sound a little too easy ;)
DeleteAlso, the Orcish Crossbow is a crossbow so can't be fired twice without a reload action - think we missed that too.
DeleteFunnily enough that was why I was checking the rules as I had a sneaking suspicion that we should have been reloading, but I couldn't find anything about it when I checked.
DeleteSounds like a fantastic day!
ReplyDeleteWas indeed a great day!
DeleteA really nice report. I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed your game.
ReplyDeleteAnd many thanks for mentioning my incarnation of Xuxa / Xena.
You are most welcome – your Xena looks great!