31 July 2013

More Digital Scribbles…

As I mentioned the other day, I've taken up digital art as a way to bridge the gap between work and play. Maybe make some extra pocket money as a consequence.

I've turned my attention away from Christmas, to something more current (on this blog at least)… Romans!!

This fine fellow was my first attempt at painting a Legionary. Did it in a couple of hours after work earlier this week. I'm still very rusty with the art (been 20+ years since I studied) but I'm enjoying it a lot and the results are turning, albeit slower than I would like. Like most things you just have to practice every day – at least with the digital you don't have to clean up afterwards!

Even within this pic you can see the difference over a couple of hours: I did his head/shoulders first and his sword, straps and shield last.

To be continued…