01 August 2012

A Tale of 3 Painters… Opening Update

Well, 1st August if finally here and we have the official green light to start our painting. I hope to start the Guardian in the next day or so and 'fix' the Mechanical Attendant at the weekend – still trying to work out a solution to his broken arms.

I am pleased to announce that Firestorm Games are supporting our project and will be contributing to our final auction. Full details of our auction 'pot' to come in a later update, but we're very happy to have the support of Rob and the Firestorm guys.

We're always looking out for additional contributions to the auction so if you would like to add your name to the list of supporters please do get in touch. If you're a regular viewer and you enjoy the coverage please donate to our charity Cancer Research UK – there's a donate button at the top of the blog or do it via their website.

Michael has just added his first post of the project to his 28mm Victorian Warfare blog so pop over there and have a catch up. He's digesting the task at hand now he can finally see the models in front of him…

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